Benedicte Colin

Fundraising for: Early Bird Cafe - City Community Care Inc

Fundraising for: Early Bird Cafe - City Community Care Inc

Why I'm taking part in the Be Kind Sydney Day of Giving

I am raising funds for City Community Care  - Early Bird Café. The Early Bird Cafe provides a hot breakfast for the homeless and hungry of Sydney city each weekday morning, including public holidays. They are 100% volunteer run and a registered charity. They support the needs of the homeless in many ways - food, clothing, toiletries, medical services, and a myriad of other needs. Their team of volunteers also provide a smile and a listening ear for those who are distressed or just need a friend. 

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Thank you to our Donors



A kick start with the hope that it will inspire my network to donate to support a cause that is very dear to me: feeding the ones that most need it. Come on Sydney, let’s be kind !


Leisel Moorhead

Great initiative Benedicte




Alan Au-yeung

This is a fantastic and worthy Cause


Michael Duane

Great cause.