Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia

Fundraising for: Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia

Fundraising for: Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia


Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) is well established having been delivered in Australia for almost 50 years and internationally for over 110 years. We offer a range of mentoring programs that are available to young people in the community. The young person is matched to a positive adult role model to provide long term one-to-one mentoring support. It provides the opportunity to build meaningful relationships and connections, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Vulnerable young people are matched with a screened and trained volunteer mentor and meet at least weekly for a minimum of 12 months (though many matches continue on for many years, even for life). This equips young people with the tools they need to build resilience and strengthen their emotional wellbeing. The positive impact from this type of program reaches young people, their families and the wider community.

Program donations fund:

At BBBS, Child Safety and Wellbeing are our upmost priority, and we require volunteers to undertake a rigorous process of screening and training. To ensure we maintain our high standards, funds will be allocated to a part-time Program Coordinator to conduct; young person and family interviews, volunteer screening and training and at least 12 months supervision. BBBS offers a hybrid form of mentoring including face to face and online. Funds will also go to maintaining the Online Mentoring Platform “OurSpace”.

We aim to have 15 young people matched with a mentor and 20 volunteers screened and trained as mentors. The aim of this project is to expand the BBBS program and provide mentors to improve the lives of young people and the wider community in Western Sydney.

Charity Links

Thank you to our Donors


Be Kind Sydney Matched


Darryn Keneally


Anonymous Donation


Andrew Kay


Mark Watt

great work Lizzy, Cail and BBBS :)