Documentary Australia

Fundraising for: Documentary Australia

Fundraising for: Documentary Australia


Documentary Australia is Australia’s only non-profit that supports powerful stories for positive social change to be told through documentary film.

By forging powerful partnerships and developing targeted campaigns, we support Documentary films to raise awareness, shift attitudes, inspire action and catalyse change across our seven Impact Areas; Youth & Education, Health & Wellbeing, Human Rights & Social Justice, Women & Girls, Indigenous, Environment and The Arts. 

Our successful model, knowledge of and relationships across sectors and strong governance enables important stories to be placed at the heart of social impact campaigns by allowing:- hundreds of talented independent filmmakers to access philanthropic funding;- donors to tax-effectively support change for the issues they care about; and,- educators, not-for-profits, organisations and community groups to use these films as tools to improve understanding, shift attitudes and catalyse action. 

Program donations fund:

Funds received will support Documentary Australia's SheDoc Program for 2023 to ensure broad community understanding of the issues women face. SheDoc is a program that provides financial aid for female documentary filmmakers.
With momentum building against inequality and vulnerability, the time is right for more stories to be told by women about women.

The more women's voices are platformed and shared, the greater the understanding of the impacts of gender discrimination. Our treatment of issues through documentary must be nurtured to ensure female voices are represented.

An example of the impact of female voice in film can be seen in 'Undercover', a film that shines a light on the fastest growing demographic experiencing homelessness in Australia, women aged over 50.

Charity Links

Thank you to our Donors


Anita Jacoby Am


Victoria Taylor

Yay Simone Young!


Be Kind Sydney Matched


Ian Mcgill


Ana Scoufis


Kim Batterham