Marrickville Legal Centre

Fundraising for: Marrickville Legal Centre

Fundraising for: Marrickville Legal Centre


Marrickville Legal Centre is a not-for-profit community legal centre based in Sydney’s inner-west, serving NSW. Our vision is to promote social justice – by providing free and accessible legal and related services to people who experience social and economic disadvantage.

Program donations fund:

Marrickville Legal Centre's Domestic & Family Violence Support Service offers free, timely and confidential support for people experiencing violence, while addressing intersecting legal and tenancy matters in one place.

This multi-tiered support offers safety, peace of mind and avoids re-traumatising clients who would otherwise have to repeat their matter to multiple service providers.

Raising $10,000 will support MLC's essential socio-legal service to recruit a Domestic Violence Program Officer, facilitating greater access for our community to immediate assistance when in crisis. Multi-tiered supports the safety of our clients and reduces retraumatisation associated with retelling one's story to multiple service providers. We address the holistic legal and non-legal needs of survivors through our Legal Health Check.

With your generous financial support, Marrickville Legal Centre can provide greater assistance for individuals with unmet legal needs. All donations can make an impact.

Charity Links

Thank you to our Donors


Anita Muljono


Ben Aves